
The Women's Helping Hand Initiative

Who We Are

The Women’s Helping hand Initiative was established in March 2006 as a nonprofit, non-governmental organisation with the mission to help women wherever the need arises.


Our vision is to impact the society so that it recognizes the importance of gender equality, abolish abuse and empower women.


TWHHI focuses on 5 major thematic areas.


Mentoring-TWHHI has developed several programs to mentor young adults so that they live productive lives and become positive influencers in their various spheres. These are:

Switch the habit – Football club, Gardening club, Art and Craft club are After school clubs that are established in schools to help students deal with and avoid sexual and drug abuse.

The Bookshelf – Bookshelves are placed in different communities to encourage a reading culture and to provide safe spaces for children to interact.

The Lady Within – An Etiquette and social skills training for women


Advocacy -TWHHI advocates actively to different and critical stakeholders on the issues of women. The programs include:


Knock! Knock!!- Keeping the children safe from all forms of abuse


Precious- Keeping women and young girls safe


Care training – A capacity building program for children’s church/mosque departments, teachers and counsellors in public and private primary schools, which trains them to identify and prevent sexual abuse amongst school children and to render timely help when necessary.


Women Working for Women- TWHHI facilitates networking meetings to encourage and strengthen linkages among individuals and organisations working on women related issues.


Concerned Mother-These are our women volunteers that identify arising social issues and promptly help address these issues in their own communities across the nation.


Rehabilitation-TWHHI provides shelter services for young girls and women survivors of violence, abuse and trafficking.


Empowerment– Young adults and women are trained in skills that can easily be translated into an income. This has helped many women in fending for themselves and in providing and enrolling their children in school.

Project Ayodele – A mobile training for women on party support services.

Step Up – A skill acquisition program for women and not excluding men.


Aids and support – TWHHI supports communities and organisations in such a way that it directly impacts the lives of the women in such identified communities. The projects include:

0-5 years Milk Distribution – This helps to address nutritional needs in specific communities. A minimum number of 350 children are given weekly supply of milk every week.

Seniors monthly meeting – The elderly aged 60 years and above are brought together once a month. Medical checkups, supplies, stipends and interactive opportunities are provided to boost their wellbeing.

The Banks -The food bank, clothes bank and shoe bank source for and distribute these items to indigent people in identified communities.

Board of Trustees
